Dried flowers are in vogue! We have already briefly mentioned in this article that you can also make them yourself from fresh flowers. Here we would like to go into detail on how to dry your flowers properly so that they look their best.
It really doesn't take many steps to get to your dried flowers. What it does take, however, is patience. Here's what to do:
It is very important to remove all leaves from your flowers while they are still fresh. This way you can also limit the formation of mould.
Firmly tie a string around your flowers and hang them up by the stems.
Let them hang for at least 1 month
That's it! Easy, isn't it?

But here are a few important notes:
Tying your flowers firmly is important because your flowers will lose some of their size as they dry. To prevent mould, we also recommend that you make small bouquets. This will allow the flowers in the middle to dry well too.
To keep your flowers in shape, it is best to hang your flowers without them touching anything.
Also, hang your flowers in a room where it is dry. Dampness can spoil your chances of getting them to dry out.
Depending on the location and the type of flower, it takes different amounts of time for your flowers to dry completely and show their new, elegant pastel colours. As a rule, the process takes about a month.
And remember: dried flowers are a natural product. To ensure that the flowers retain their new colour for as long as possible, keep them out of direct sunlight.
Have you made your own dried flowers? Tag us on our Instagram channel @blumenpost_com!
You can also find wonderful fresh flowers in our shop!
Lots of love
your Blumenpost