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Dried Flowers: the Most Sustainable Flowers?

Dried flowers are really back in fashion – with good reason! After all, dried flowers are not only beautiful, they are also easy to care for and sustainable. We'll tell you here why the dried flowers from Blumenpost are particularly sustainable. Our new collection is now online and available for pre-order. From 03 October 2022, we will send them throughout Switzerland. Click here to see the entire collection.


There are various aspects that can make dried flowers probably the most sustainable flowers of all. However, there are just as many aspects that can make dried flowers completely unsustainable and even toxic. Therefore, we summarise the different aspects here.

Country of origin and cultivation

Many dried flowers are grown and dried in Holland or Asia. These product locations are consequently connected with transport routes by lorry or plane. In addition to the country of origin, the cultivation method also plays an important role. Whether flowers are grown outdoors or protected under a film, or whether they thrive in greenhouses, can make dried flowers more or less environmentally friendly in combination with the country of origin. In addition, there are non-transparent supply chains.

At Blumenpost, we use 100% Swiss dried flowers. So although we are deprived of a few varieties, they are grown directly in Aargau (and we can even visit them every now and then). All our dried flowers are further grown in open fields or under plastic sheeting. The latter protects delicate varieties from rain, wind and hail. And precisely because our dried flowers are grown outdoors in Switzerland, they also have a certain seasonality. While foreign dried flowers are available all year round, our flowers grow in the fields in spring and summer, are then harvested and dried with great care in our producer's attic. At the end of September, they are finally dried and ready to be tied into bouquets. That is why our collection of dried flowers is limited (and why we unfortunately have to decline so often when we are asked for dried flowers in spring). If the dried bouquets are sold out, the next collection will not be available until a year later in autumn.

Dyes and chemicals?

Dried flowers can be found in all kinds of colours. Very intense pink or blue tones in particular are often artificially conjured up. At the same time, many flowers are bleached. Only a few dried flowers actually have such an intense or white colour. At the same time, many chemicals and bleaching agents are used for drying and preservation. In the blog "Bye Bye Dried Flowers? Why conventional dried flowers are not exactly sustainable" you can read more about this. These chemicals are of course harmful during production, but also at home in the vase – after all, we move close to dried flowers and share the air in the room.

Our dried flower producer therefore grows almost all of them in organic quality (but there are a few varieties, such as peonies, that simply cannot be grown in organic quality). The great thing? There are many varieties of flowers, such as paper flowers, strawflowers, statice, pink sage or rhodante pink, which retain their colour. The flowers are then dried in the beautiful attic of the farmhouse (see picture).

These two aspects are probably the most decisive factors that determine whether dried flowers are sustainable or not. Furthermore, if you want, you can also make sure that the packaging is plastic-free. That is also important! But what also plays into the sustainability of dried flowers is their longevity. After all, in the right place in the home, they will last for at least six months. And that can make the right dried flowers really sustainable!

In a nutshell: how sustainable a dried flower is can vary greatly. And as a customer, you can't tell by looking at the flowers. That's why we recommend buying dried flowers directly from local flower growers and always enquiring about the origin of dried flowers in flower shops. And if available, we also recommend buying our own dried bouquets :-) We offer different bouquets – for every home and every taste.

Find our dried flowers here.

Lots of love,


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